Universal Company Incorporations

Intercompany Transfers

An intra corporate transfer is commonly used to move an employee between national branches of an international company.

In order to complete the move successfully, a work permit must be obtained and a specified date set for the length of stay. The organisation of this transfer is the responsibility of the employer and there is a complex bureaucratic process to comply with. Relevant administration varies with country and advice from a local employment lawyer is highly recommended to ensure compliance with regulations.

The work permit will not be issued unless the employer states the specific position of the job offer and an assignment contract is finalised between the two companies, confirming salary and payroll details. Additional requirements include the submission of a detailed application and relevant qualifications. The transfer is generally limited to senior management, key personnel, or highly skilled workers.

Universal Company incorporations have extensive knowledge and expertise of intra company transfers. Our local specialists in key jurisdictions worldwide will guide you through the process step by step, in addition to organising the paperwork for you so that your application is completed efficiently.

Universal Company Incorporations is always on hand to guide you through all of the stages of forming a new enterprise or expanding an existing company in multiple countries. Please don’t hesitate to call us on +44(0)208 421 7470 or contact us via the website for help and advice.