Universal Company Incorporations

Employment Services

Hiring local staff for your newly incorporated company is a fundamental aspect of setting up in a foreign country. It may even be a legal requirement, as some countries state that locally resident managers, directors, or shareholders are mandatory in new enterprises.

Working with a team of qualified and experienced local staff will be invaluable in the initial start-up stages of your company, as well as in the long term. Being native to the local language and having knowledge of the local cultural and business practices means their skills will be incredibly beneficial in conforming to the local business environment and competing in the market.

The bureaucracy of employing staff, drawing up employment contracts, obtaining work and residence visas, registering for employer’s taxation, calculating salaries, and managing payroll can be time-consuming and complex, especially as labour laws vary with each country. As a result it is highly recommended to obtain specialist local advice.

Universal Company Incorporations have an extensive network of reliable recruitment specialist throughout Europe and worldwide, providing expert employment services. Our team will help you find the right professional staff to make your global expansion a success.

Universal Company Incorporations is always on hand to guide you through all of the stages of forming a new enterprise or expanding an existing company in multiple countries. Please don’t hesitate to call us on +44(0)208 421 7470 or contact us via the website for help and advice.