Universal Company Incorporations

European Immigration

Immigration into EU member countries is simple with an EU passport, and the generalised currency also makes the process easier. However, for non-EU countries immigration processes can be complex, particularly with the diversity of languages throughout the continent.

In order to work legally in another country a work permit will be required. The process for assessing and granting work permit applications varies across Europe. A validated permit will detail the job position, the company employer, the job role, and salary. A residence permit will also be required in order to live in the country you are working in.

A blue card is a combined work and residence visa which is designed specifically for highly-skilled and highly-educated non-EU citizens. This visa has exacting requirements regarding qualifications, employment contracts, and gross income. A blue card permits work and residency in the EU for an initial period of four years.

Universal Company Incorporations is a European immigration specialist, with extensive experience and expertise. Our multilingual team understand the complexity of the process and will advise you on the best type of visa for you, as well as managing your application process from start to finish.

Contact us

Universal Company Incorporations is always on hand to guide you through all of the stages of forming a new enterprise or expanding an existing company in multiple countries. Please don’t hesitate to call us on +44(0)208 421 7470 or contact us via the website for help and advice on immigration in Europe.