Universal Company Incorporations


Austrian Company Formation

Foreign investors are actively welcomed into Austria. The country’s favourable location within Europe allows access throughout the continent and to the Balkans, facilitating trade worldwide. The business centre in Austria is cultured and many companies have utilised its properties to increase their productivity and profitability. There is an abundance of physical space available for both office and industrial use, as well as long and short term let.

Our experience with Austrian company formation enables us to manage your incorporation from start to finish. Advising you about the relevant investment incentives and available facilities, we will help your business develop a platform in Austria from which to increase your business exposure and operations.

Further Information

There are a number of different company forms in Austria. Each has different share capital and directorial requirements making it suitable to different business sizes and types. The main company forms in Austria are as follows:

  • Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
  • Stock Corporation (AG)
  • General Partnership (OHG)
  • Limited Partnership (KG)
  • Registered Civil Law Partnership (EEG)
  • Cooperative (Genossenschaft)
  • Foreign Branch

As a member country of the EU, Austria’s regulatory environment is flexible for other EU nationals. There is free movement of capital and earnings as well as double taxation treaties with every EU country, the USA, Russia, and Canada. Foreign investors are not restricted to any industries in Austria and taxation rates are advantageous at just below the EU average.

There is a complete range of banking facilities in Austria and provision of commercial banking is particularly beneficial.

The Austrian government offers a number of financial incentives to new investors that can be incredibly advantageous in the early stages of business operations. These include:

  • Investment allowances
  • Investment incentives
  • Pre-market development incentives
  • Research allowances
  • Industrial research incentives

The recruitment sector in Austria is well developed.  Both professional and support staff are widely available and but for more skill-specific jobs in business sectors such as telecommunications, engineering, and building, finding workers can be more difficult. In these declining industries more senior positions in the company are preferred to be held by Austrian nationals.

Speak to a Formation Specialist