
Ukrainian Company Formation



Ukrainian company formation and investment permits have been streamlined to facilitate business in the country. As a result foreign investment has increased in recent years. The main benefits of the Ukraine are its geographical location and access to various global markets. Regulations are strict and companies must be established according to the forms and procedures prescribed by Ukrainian law.

Universal Company Incorporations understand the complexity of Ukrainian company formation and will make the process simple for you. Our team understand the needs of our clients and will help you establish a secure corporate structure from which to drive your global business expansion.

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Further Information


[toggle title=”Company Set Up Options”]

Ukrainian company formation involves registration with the local state registrar, the tax authorities, the statistics office, and various pension and social funds. These procedures require various aspects of documentation and compliance is essential.

There are three main company forms for foreign investors to incorporate in the Ukraine:

  • Limited Liability Company – LLC
  • Joint Stock Company – JSC
  • Representative Office

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[toggle title=”Regulatory Environment”]

The regulatory environment in the Ukraine is very strict and guidance from local Ukrainian accountants and lawyers is highly advisable to avoid penalties and charges.

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[toggle title=”Banking Facilities and Financial Incentives”]

The major international banks have been slow to settle in the Ukraine, but most are now represented in the country. There are also several strong local banks, including Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Privat Bank, Pravex Bank, Oschadny Bank, Universal Bank, Nadra Bank, Ukrsibbank, Ukrsotsbank, and Ukrprombank. These are strictly regulated by the government but do offer a range of business banking facilities.

Financial incentives are not available for foreign investors in the Ukraine.

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[toggle title=”Staff Recruitment”]

Labour laws are similarly complex. However, the workforce is well educated and skilled, so foreign companies will not have a problem finding the right staff.

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